中島美嘉 – 雪の華

Mika Nakashima – Snow Flower     

I’m walking with you in the dusk  

While lining up our elongated shadows on a pavement  

If I can stay with you forever while holding your hands  

My eyes will be filled with tears  

The wind became chilly,

I caught a whiff of winter

That season is about to arrive at this town with you by my side

When the two of us view the first snow flower

While snuggling up to each other

Happiness overflows

It’s not about being dependent or weak

I just love you

I felt so deep in my heart

When you are by my side,

I feel that I can overcome anything

I wish that such days will last forever

The wind rattles the window

Shaking the night awake

I will bring smiles

No matter how sad things are

Snow flowers keep falling outside windows and whiten our town

I realized that love means the willingness to do something for someone

If I lose you

I will become a star and illuminate you

Smiles and the night wet with tears will stay close to you forever

When the two of us view the first snow flower

While snuggling up to each other

Happiness overflows

It’s not about being dependent or weak

I just want to stay with you forever

I feel so heartily

Pure white snow flowers

Falling and accumulating in this town

Engraving memories on each one’s heart

I’ll stay with you forever…


甘える [amaeru]: depend on, rely on 


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