BiSH - Orchestra
Stars in the night sky
I looked up at
I suddenly hear your voice
Were those days shining?
I’m no longer able to clarify it
On that slope
I cried as I was not able to question you about
the lie you told at that time
From now on
I will not be able to see you
We’ll be separated
I’ve surrendered to the flow of life
My everyday regrets are fading in the wind
I wanted to see the look you won’t allow anyone to see a little longer
Time stares at it silently
I won’t forget
The laugh we let out
While holding each other’s hand
The tears we shed so much and
The voice we uttered are an orchestra
The time came
I won’t forget
Your goodbye
We were close to each other, but
It’s only the sky that links us now
Let’s exchange night skies
I gave up at 3 am
Because I felt it’s silly
Even if we surrender to the flow of the times
For years to come
My everyday joke is fading in a town
I wanted to show you the look I won’t show to anyone a little longer
Time stares at it silently
Making eye contact with you
I wish to clarify
Can we start fresh?
What is that frustrating and painful is
An orchestra making sounds
Where are you and what are you doing?
I don’t know because
I am to blame
I never thought such day would come
If it’s a prank of God
I’d curse Him
I won’t forget
The laugh we let out
While holding each other’s hand
The tears we shed so much and
The voice we uttered are orchestra
The time came
I won’t forget
Your goodbye
We were close to each other, but
It’s only the sky that links us now
夜空 [yozora]: the night sky