globe – DEPARTURES     

(Snow and my feelings for you accumulate endlessly  

I wish to convey and deliver even a little  

I hope you will be by my side)

The two of us in a photo stand that has been left face down

Still have shining smiles

Someday, a narrow, long road will start

On the day of departure, the wind is strong somehow

I’ve entrusted all of kindness, selfishness,

Warmth, loneliness, and thoughtfulness

Snow and my feelings for you accumulate endlessly

I wish to convey and deliver even a little

I hope you will be by my side

At the freezing cold night, I’m looking for tomorrow

Without being able to have a rendezvous

Whenever I make memories, I hope to be with you

When a man and woman

Start to be tried to do the same thin’

Again and again

Leavin’ their dream, their love behind

Lookin’ after all those long nights

To discover a new adventure

Have never been to there

Wish to play with snow

I wish to meet you, but I cannot meet you

I yearn for it

The night seems too long, maybe because of the winter, but

The spring is bright, and I wanna bathe in sunlight

A road with no end in sight

My feelings for you have supported the two of us profoundly and strongly

Together with accumulating snow

Your bangs have grown to the same extent

I got used to left-handedness

A cold has been cured

Love hinders dreams

Dreams find love

Kindness seeks love

Because you chose me

Snow and my feelings for you accumulate endlessly

I wish to convey and deliver even a little

I hope you will be by my side

At the freezing cold night, I’m looking for tomorrow

Without being able to have a rendezvous

Whenever I make memories, I hope to be with you


左利き [hidarikiki]: left-handedness 


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