Southern All Stars - Ellie My Love
I made you cry and gave you the cold shoulder, but
It’s nice that the two of us want to snuggle up to each other
You are the last lady for me
Ellie, my love, so sweet
If the two of us grow apart and give a cold look to each other,
Only memories accumulate while we cannot reveal the truth,
And we are at a loss for words, our romance will end
Ellie, my love, so sweet
(Baby) You smile more innocently on my mind
(Baby) I wish to look more beautiful in your sight
The sun goes down, drawing tears
Ellie, my love, so sweet
Ellie, my love, so sweet
Even if you leave me and go to a distant place
I hope to remember what you have done for me
Even impatience goes well with you
Ellie, my love, so sweet
(Baby) You smile more innocently on my mind
(Baby) I wish to look more beautiful in your sight
With sleety mind
Ellie, my love, so sweet
Ellie, my love, so sweet
(Baby) You smile more innocently on my mind
(Baby) I wish to look more beautiful in your sight
After a moving phrase
Ellie, my love, so sweet
Ellie, my love, so sweet
Ellie, my love
もどかしさ [modokashisa]: impatience
もどかしい [modokashii]: frustrating, irritating