Mr. Children - Tomorrow never knows

Mr. Children – Tomorrow never knows     

As time ticks away with no pause  

I’ve viewed many changing townscapes  

While superimposing the remnant of my dream,  

Which will never return after it disappeared because I was immature,  

On a boy passing by me  

I desired everything

So strongly that I could betray someone innocently

Even the girl loved by a close friend of mine

Failing to atone, I feel pain today, too

I run blindly, but tomorrow is still out of sight

My lonely race continues with no victory or defeat

People forget things sadly

Even the pleasure of being loved and the lonely past

In order to move on,

You have to clash with someone

In this way, the world keeps going on today, too

Let’s reach out beyond the fathomless darkness

Even if you live for someone, tomorrow never knows

Following my heart, I head for tomorrow nobody knows

You cannot live with gentleness only

Some chose to bid farewell

We will see each other again

Somewhere in this long journey

Let’s reach out beyond the fathomless darkness

If the pain doesn’t heal, just carry it with you

Let’s draw a dream

No problem with drawing it a little outside the canvas

Even if you live for someone, tomorrow never knows

Following my heart, I head for tomorrow nobody knows


明日 [asu, ashita, myounichi]: tomorrow


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