Kana Nishino – Instruction Manual
Thank you very much for choosing me, the way I am, on this occasion
Please carefully read this instruction manual before use, and
Treat me appropriately and gently forever
I’m one of a kind, so you cannot return or replace me
I would appreciate your understanding
From time to time, I abruptly get grumpy and get mad when left alone,
Although I would not answer your question about the reason
Sorry for always causing trouble
But, please hang out with me even when trouble happens
I will last long if you praise me regularly
Notice minor changes, for example, saying “Your nails are beautiful”
Keep an eye on me
But, you don’t need to notice negative things such as weight gain
If I get older a little and you come to have a roving eye
Remember that day the two of us met for the first time
I would appreciate your continued support
Just laugh off and overlook the way I am
Cherish me forever
As I come with a lifetime guarantee
Even a single flower moves me, against expectations
A small gift on an ordinary day is effective
Your sense will be tested
But, I am most delighted to receive a letter,
Even if it is short and unsophisticated
If I become wet with tears,
Gently wipe them away and embrace me tightly
Nobody can repair me except you
I would appreciate your continued support
Just laugh off and accept the way I am
Cherish me forever
As I come with a lifetime guarantee
Please take me on a trip every once in a while
On our anniversary,
Escort me in a cool manner to enjoy dinner in a fashionable way,
Without complaining that it is out of your character to do such thing
Accept everything with your broad mind and deep love
I would appreciate your continued support
Just laugh off and overlook the way I am
Cherish me forever
As I come with a lifetime guarantee
取扱説明書 [toriatsukai-setsumeisho]: an instruction manual