椎名林檎 – ギブス

Ringo Sheena - Plaster cast   

You are inclined to take a picture of me  

I always refuse  

Because I will get older upon being photographed  

You are inclined to say “I swear”

I always refuse

Because it will turn out to be a lie once our feelings cool down

Don’t U θink?

I wanna be wiθ U

Stay here forever and ever

We will never know tomorrow, so

Keep embracing me tightly, Darling

You are inclined to pretend to be depressed

I always get delighted to see it

Because you’re like Kurt and I’m like Courtney

Don’t U θink?

I wanna be wiθ U

Come closer to me

Let’s forget yesterday

Keep embracing me tightly, Darling

April has come again

Remember that day


写真 [shashin]: a photo


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