B’z – イチブトゼンブ

B’z – Part and Whole     

“You know only part of me”  

You said with a triumphant grin, but I was not pissed off  

Your deep voice that sounds familiar as if I had heard it before my birth  

Could serve as a side dish for my life  

It’s utterly impossible to know everything, but

Why do we want to conquer everything to achieve perfection?

A single lovable trait would suffice

Even if it is only part of you, 

It is the part I definitely like more than anything else

Such as quirking a brow when you are in trouble, or

The soothing softness I feel when hugging you

If you think that you have grasped everything,

You will get hurt again

All you need is an undeniably irresistible touch

A single lovable trait would suffice

Things only you can understand and things only I can see

All of them are true

We are not aware that everything is only part of something

If you find a reason for loving someone, do not lose it

A single lovable trait would suffice

That’s all I need


眉毛 (まゆげ) [mayuge]: eyebrows 


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