Mr. Children - 【es】~Theme of es~

Mr. Children - 【es】-Theme of es     

Ah… My journey is to walk along a long rail  

While keeping balance against the wind  

Ah… I cannot find an “answer” anywhere, but 

It’s okay  

I will drift along to move forward

If I'm fettered by the fear of losing what I’ve obtained,

I won’t need a medal

Anything may happen in the present age

I’m prepared

“es” makes me run toward tomorrow,

Because I wanna touch pleasure

Ah… I still cannot acknowledge my weakness

I rely on romance, and

every time I get hurt,

I think

I rather feel better by concluding,

“Love is an illusion”

Everyone lives while harboring dependence, jealousy, and guile

Nevertheless, I like people and love you

Oh… What kind of human I am!

I wanna face you naked

There is no significant meaning in winning laurels, success, a position, or glory

I’m sure that everyone believes in his/her present self

Bidding farewell to past days, you start walking

Anything may happen in this age

I’m prepared

“es” makes me run toward tomorrow,

Because I wanna touch pleasure

ずるさ [zurusa]: guile, slyness, cunning


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