2025.03.14 08:58優里 – ドライフラワーYuuri – Dried FlowerMaybe, your partner is not necessarily meNeither of us had room to breatheWe often found ourselves having a quarrel Sorry for thatI’ve wanted to confideProbably, our relationship won’t go well While we’re alone in that room,You did all the talkingIf I see you somewhere Will you laugh off what we experienced t...
2025.03.13 15:09黒夢 – ピストルKuroyume – Pistol This time comes to Love & Hate I pass by you This time comes to Red & Blue Upon turning around, I targeted Wet flowersI aimed at them in a prone position Closing the distanceWithout knowing your plightThis time comes to Love &...
2025.03.13 03:31菅田将暉 - 虹Masaki Suda – Rainbow I was saved by your words: “You can cry” Thanks, indeed I’m pitiful and sloppy, but Tomorrow brightens when I think about you The two of us should be as we areLet’s find the sunshine and playThere is a small rainbow beside you, who ar...
2025.03.12 15:07浜崎あゆみ – SEASONSAyumi Hamasaki - SEASONS Another season has passed this year, and My memory has become a bit more distant The boundary between my dream and reality was vague, But it’s now sharper. Still, the dream I revealed to you one day is not a lieLa La-iIf you have a good time ...
2025.03.12 08:20中島美嘉 - 桜色舞うころMika Nakashima - When cherry-blossom colors dance When cherry-blossom colors dance I’m alone and stand still with uncontrollable emotions When fresh green colors sproutMy feelings overflow, and I lose sight of everything, drifting to youOnly trees around us have watched the two of us...
2025.03.12 04:20今井美樹 – PRIDEMiki Imai – PRIDE Looking up at a single southern star, I've just vowed to keep walking while carrying a smile Thinking about you, I feel so sad and shed tearsI’ve lived my life just to wish on a star and pray to the moon But now, loving you itself is my pride.Realizing that gentleness me...
2025.03.11 12:43サザンオールスターズ – LOVE AFFAIR~秘密のデートSouthern All Stars – LOVE AFFAIR: Secret Date In a town at dawn I pass by the remnant of the moon and my yesterday’s self After crossing the border of no return My heart is throbbing Every time I turn around I feel so sadReceiving your stare at my back I set out for ...
2025.03.11 06:21Mr. Children – 花Mr. Children – Flower A familiar road with the hues of sighs I’m being sucked into crowds While involuntarily counting small dreams that have faded away Friends of the same generation are creating their respective families The philosophies of life varyEverybody knows thatWe liv...
2025.03.10 14:35Mr. Children - 【es】~Theme of es~Mr. Children - 【es】-Theme of es Ah… My journey is to walk along a long rail While keeping balance against the wind Ah… I cannot find an “answer” anywhere, but It’s okay I will drift along to move forwardIf I'm fettered by the fear of losing what I’ve obtained,I won’t need ...
2025.03.10 07:40B’z – イチブトゼンブB’z – Part and Whole “You know only part of me” You said with a triumphant grin, but I was not pissed off Your deep voice that sounds familiar as if I had heard it before my birth Could serve as a side dish for my life It’s utterly impossible to know everything, butW...
2025.03.09 13:20椎名林檎 – ギブスRingo Sheena - Plaster cast You are inclined to take a picture of me I always refuse Because I will get older upon being photographed You are inclined to say “I swear”I always refuse Because it will turn out to be a lie once our feelings cool downDon’t U θink? I wanna be wiθ UStay her...
2025.03.09 09:19椎名林檎 – 本能Ringo Sheena - Instinct Why were words born in history? The sun, oxygen, the sea, and the wind They should have been enough. Both of us feel lonely Nobody can condemn the scars nursed properly by each other Delve and mimic life Forgive my capriceDon’t think that it’s too late,...